How difficult is for freshers to get a job?

How to overcome the difficulties to get a job as a fresher.

Let me start by saying this, it may be difficult but not impossible. You must remember that you are stepping into the professional world and the first thing that you must know is who you are, what do you want to do with your life and where do you want to see yourself in the next 10 years.

So let me give you a tip: “Backcalculate”. Take a pen and paper and write the position where you want to see yourself in 10 years. Write the name of the company and the profile and then below that write down the designations one by one preceding that. Once you reach the bottom make a circle and write down the skills required for getting the position which is at the bottom of the page. Well you have made your career path which you need to follow to reach the top of your chart.

Now let’s move on to the next step which is to make a resume. I would always suggest you make a simple, clear, crisp and to-the-point resume. For resume making tips I will make a separate blog which you may follow to get an idea. Once it is done take a few print-outs.

Make a list of companies which you want to apply to and then check in their job portals if there is any vacancy available or if the number of the hr is given. In most of the portals you will find that there is an option to upload your cv. Do it!

The most important thing that you need to do is create an account on Linkedin. Linkedin is the best way to get updates about the vacancies, connect with the right people and you can follow several companies where you will get updates about them and their recent developments. It’s amazing! If you want to know what you should do in Linkedin and how to use it correctly, I will make a separate blog for you.

Next you need to do networking where you need to reach out to your friends, relatives or people you know from Linkedin, teachers,counselors and coaches who share a common professional interest as you. Ask them about their job profile, working environment, get recommendations from them, ask them to introduce to the right people and ask if their company is hiring. Always remember, never be ashamed of seeking help.

Prepare, prepare and prepare 100 times before the interview. Few things to remember before appearing for an interview (online/offline) is:

● Wear ironed formals.

● Groom yourself.

● Carry your cv and other documents in a transparent file.

● Be confident.

The next step is to follow up with the employer. Always follow up with your employer after one week of application. Companies always look for a candidate who tends to follow up with the employer as it shows your interest in the job and professionalism. 

Lastly I would say that don’t be afraid of rejection. If you apply to 10 companies, you may be rejected by 8 of them. Make sure and listen carefully what the employer is saying to you when they are rejecting your offer. For example, “Sorry, we don’t have a vacancy for freshers”, “Sorry we are not hiring freshers”, or something like this, in this situation tell them, “Thank you for your response. If you need someone with my skills in the future kindly let me know, I will mail you a copy of my CV to you”. This will show that you are interested and serious about the job. Sometimes the employer might say, “You don’t have the required skills for this job”, in this case ask the employer what skills they are looking for. Note it down and make sure you learn that skill before applying for the job.

Never compromise with the career goal that you have set for yourself. It may be difficult and long but don’t give up. Always try to upgrade yourself and keep applying to the companies. Stay on your path and keep your focus on the goal and everytime you think of giving up, look at the sheet of paper.

“Hey, no path is easy and there is no shortcut. If the process is taking a lot of time that means you need to work on yourself a bit more and keep your eyes open and stay alert for opportunities around you.”

You can create your profile on our portal and check the jobs posted here everyday.

Best of luck !!

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