How much work experience do you have?

How much work experience do you have?

This is one of the common open-ended questions asked in any job interview. Whether you are fresher or an experienced one. When you apply for a job you often submit your resume to outline your past work experience, and training to impress your employer in such cases your employer has likely already reviewed your application and is familiar with your experience and background.

Now you are asked to describe your work experience in detail which also gives you a chance to highlight your work experience achievements and also share valuable expertise that is related to the new job you are applying for.

What do employers check in your resume or want to find out?

Where you worked previously for how long you held each job?

Why you left the position? Why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job?

Why do employers ask about work experience?

Hiring managers ask these questions to get a better understanding of how your background and work experience relate to the position they are looking to fill. Interviewers always expect the candidates to be able to explain and demonstrate their past current work experience in detail at the interview, at the same time they are also checking your honesty. Always remember an employer is looking to hire a candidate who is willing to solve a problem for the company. Whether that’s boosting sales or giving the best customer service. Should you still apply for a job, if you don’t have enough experience.

There is a scenario that often happens, you may find the perfect job vacancy the description sounds like it is made for you but under job requirements, it is mentioned that you must have two years of experience in the related field. In such cases you may wonder what to do next? Don’t worry it is still worth applying for the position. If you have two years of experience and they are looking for three to five years that doesn’t affect you. You could still be qualified if you don’t have enough experience. You must be ready to prove your skills and talent that may help to perform the job tasks very well.

What if you don’t have any job experience? if you are fresher then this question sounds like it is made for you, right? You must be positive and think about the skill and knowledge you’ve acquired from other jobs internships or any of your volunteer work and prove how they helped. You get a task or project done according to the World Economic Forum employers often check following things in college graduates complex problem-solving, people management, critical thinking, creativity & judgment and decision making.

Try to draw connections between the job you’re applying for in your coursework skill development experiences or any kind of productive activities you engaged in throughout college. As per LinkedIn one in five hiring managers consider volunteer work experience a valuable asset when considering candidates. Avoid this never lie on a resume like stretched employment dates, fake job responsibilities, employment gap, job position or role etc.

Organizations can also call former employers to confirm its accuracy, so be alert. Don’t make any negative remarks about your past or present manager. Your fellow employees or the company you are working for. Don’t memorize your answers follow this. Always try to remember what you have mentioned in the CV before you face the interview. Back up your example of how past work might prepare you for the new role. Don’t give a negative impression taking too much time on thinking about your joining date, old salaries etc. Describe your past responsibilities and accomplishments in detail always be positive and focus on what you have learned from your experience. Connect your previous responsibilities to those listed in the job description for the new position. Describe to them your job roles responsibilities, about the company and the tenure you worked in the past, have examples and stories to tell in the interview of how you learned something or how you solved a problem at a previous position.

Here is the “Sample answer for experienced for the last two years.”

I have been working for ABC Company as a sales associate. In that position, I was responsible for handling all the sales activities from lead generation through to close. I was also assigned to elevate company standards achieved sales goals and meet client expectations. During my tenure, I completed various professional and vocation training organized by the company, which then I was able to complete the goal using my own methods of sales technique. I was also awarded different titles for my work.

Here is the “Sample answer for fresher after completing accounting degree”

I was hired straightaway as an internet ABC Company, where I learned “mention what you have learned”. Now that I am certified with a master’s degree program and have all those volunteer hours under my belt. I feel well prepared to apply for a full-time work, where I can gain more experience and expose my talent for the betterment of the company.

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